Industrial Premises, Coulson Street, Spennymoor DL16 7RS
Property Features
- Industrial Workshop
- 15T Travelling Crane
- Offices
- Large Yard
- Roller Shutter Doors
- LED Lights
- Stores
Property Summary
Durham is located approximately 6 miles to the North and Darlington is located approximately 15 miles to the south.
The property comprises a detached/ self-contained...
Full Details
Coulson Street, Spennymoor, with easy access from the A177 approximately 3 miles from Junction 61 of the A1(M).
Durham is located approximately 6 miles to the North and Darlington is located approximately 15 miles to the south.
The property comprises a detached/ self-contained industrial/ workshop facility incorporating the following:
• Offices
• Canteen/ WC’s
• Workshops
• Stores
• LED Lighting
• Large Secure Gated Yard
• 15 T Travelling Crane
• Roller Shutter Loading Access
The property is available To Let by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease at a rent of £65,000 per annum exclusive.
The property has an EPC rating of E(119)
Further information is available upon application.
We understand through verbal enquiries with the Local Rating Authority that the building has a rateable value of £46,500.
Interested parties are advised to contact the Local Rating Authority to obtain the precise rates payable.
Main workshop: 8,664.00 sqft
Rear Workshop: 7,753.00 sqft
FF Mezzanine: 4,574.00 sqft
GF Offices: 1,162.00 sqft
FF Offices: 1,162.00 sqft
Pump House: 636.00 sqft
Dispatch: 2,000.00 sqft
Total: 25,951.00 sqft