13 Parkview Industrial Estate, Brenda Road, Hartlepool TS25 1PE
Property Features
- Modern Detached Industrial Unit
- Large Loading and Car Parking Area
- Mezzanine Storage
- Ancillary Offices
Property Summary
Full Details
The premises are located on Parkview Road West, close to Brenda Road on the established Parkview Industrial Estate, Hartlepool. Hartlepool Town Centre is approximately 1 mile to the North with the Seal Sands Terminal and the Mouth of the River Tees a short distance to the South.
Hartlepool is located approximately 12 miles north of Middlesbrough and is accessed via the A689(T) which in turn gives excellent access to the A19(T) and from there the region’s principal road networks beyond.
The premises comprise a modern detached industrial unit of steel portal frame construction under a dual pitched roof interspersed with translucent roof light panels. The effective eaves height is approximately 5.6 m rising to 8.7 m at the apex.
Internally, the premises provide a large open workshop / warehouse with mezzanine storage accommodation. To the front of the premises is ancillary office accommodation comprising a mixture of open plan and cellular offices with points for power and data, electric wall mounted storage heaters, carpets, LED lighting and WC / staff accommodation.
Externally, to the front of the premises is extensive onsite car parking for approx. 25 vehicles with loading access via a sectional up and over loading door (4m wide x 4.5m high).
Warehouse: 9,000.00 sqft
GF Office / Staff: 1,087.00 sqft
Mezzanine: 1,087.00 sqft
Total: 11,174.00 sqft